The investment tab helps you curate and track super-assets – investments with multiple investors. This enables you to invite clients to view information about and consider specific investment opportunities.
In this article, you will learn how to:
- Find the Investments tab,
- Create a new asset record and
- Invite a customer to invest in an asset.
- Access to an AET account
- Access to AET’s Business Platform
How to Locate the Investment tab
1. Log in to AET by visiting the site, entering your username, entering your password and clicking the LOG IN button.
2. Sign into the Business Platform application by clicking the button on the right.
3. You will arrive on the Customers tab. From the Customers tab, click on Investments – the second item down on the menu on the left.
4. This brings you to the Investments tab.
Elements of the Investment tab
You will see the following fields:
- Total Asset Value
- Custom Asset Value,
- List of assets:
- Asset ID
- Asset Name
- Invested
- Invited
- Asset Type
- Value
- Status
Total Asset Value is the sum of all assets listed.
Customer Asset Value is the sum of all investments by customers in the assets listed.
(Note: Because these screen shots are taken from the sandbox environment, Customer Asset Value is $0; it would be higher in production.)
Asset ID is the unique identifier of each asset listed. This is important because very often an asset name is reused, as “Wakanda Vibranium USA” is in this example.
Asset Name is the popular or legal name of the entity seeking funding.
Invested is the quantity of investors who have already transferred funds from their AET client accounts to the investment.
Invited is the quantity of investors who have been solicited via the AET platform to commit funds but who have not as of the time of the page refresh.
Asset Type is the choice among a) Loan, b) Real Estate, c) PPM, d) Metals, e) ICO or f) Other.
(Note: The most frequently listed will likely be PPM.)
Value is the dollar amount of Customer Asset Value attributed to the specific asset.
Status is the choice among a) Active, b) In Review, c) On Hold for Corrections or d) Rejected.
To the right of the Status field is an ellipsis.
If you click on it, a pop-up menu will prompt you to View Asset Details. If you click on the View Asset Details link, you will go to a window showing the record for the selected asset.
Hit the Back button on your browser to return to the Investments tab.
The list of assets on the Investments tab will always be sorted in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent entry on top. Sorting and filtering functions are not available in this release.
At the bottom-right of the page is a Previous-Next series of links to navigate through a list if it is longer than one page.
At the bottom-left of the page are buttons prompting you to a) create a New Asset, b) Invite Customer or c) Pay Customers.
Creating a New Asset
Click on the Investment tab’s New Asset button. This will take you to the New Asset data entry screen.
All fields are required.
Select Asset Type accepts only values from a pull-down menu: a) Loan, b) Real Estate, c) PPM, d) Metals, e) ICO or f) Other.
Name Your Asset is an open field. Enter in the name of the entity raising funds.
Enter Amount is the total amount of funding required for the asset. (Note: It is advisable to enter in this amount prior to Number of Units.)
Enter Number of Units is a field that takes only whole numbers greater than or equal to 1. If a PPM filer has identified that it is offering 10,000 shares of stock, for example, you would enter in “10,000”.
Minimum Individual Amount is automatically generated by dividing Enter Amount by Number of Units.
Funding Start Date is the date the new asset was entered. Generally, you would enter today’s date. . (Note: Funding Start Date must be a date in the present or past.)
Funding End Date is the date as of which funding can no longer be accepted for the asset. (Note: Funding End Date must be a date in the future.)
Description is an open field prompting a brief explanation of the asset. It need not be at all detailed.
Are You the Investment Recipient? This is a Yes/No choice. If you select “Yes,” then funds would transfer from client accounts to your account on AET. If you select “No,” then you would be prompted to Select Vendor from a pull-down menu, and funds would flow to the selected third party. If the desired vendor is not on the menu, it will prompt you to click on an Add New Vendor link.
A new Vendor entry would require you to enter a) a name and b) a type of transfer. The Name field is open text. The Type of Transfer field is a choice between a) Wire and b) Check.
If you choose Wire, you will be prompted for a) Bank Name, b) Account Holder Name, c) Account Number and d) Wire Number. If you choose Check, you will be prompted for a) Address, b) City, c) State and d) Zip Code.
Click either the Cancel or Save button to return to the New Asset data entry form. At this point, you will probably have to scroll down via your browser to fill out the rest.
Supporting Document Type defaults to Other and will not accept another value.
Supporting Document Name and Supporting Document Description are both open fields, and many users choose to use the same string in both. For example, “PPM” is a perfectly acceptable entry in either field.
Do Investors Need to Fill Out This Form is a Yes/No choice. In almost all instances, select “No” unless it is a subscription agreement.
Choose File is a button that will generate a pop-up window so that you can upload the file described above from your hard drive or shared drive. It must be less than 20 MB.
There is also an option to Add Another Document.
Once the New Asset data entry form is complete, click the Next button. This will bring you to the Review screen.
Click the Back button to edit the form or the Submit button to enter it. If you hit the Submit button, you will return to the updated Investments tab.
Invite Customer
Click on the Investment tab’s Invite Customer button. This will take you to the Invite Customer data entry screen.
- Click on the Choose Asset field to reveal a pulldown menu, then select one asset from it. (Note: If an asset is not active, you cannot select it.)
- Select one or more Customer Names.
- Click the Back button to return to the Investments tab or the Submit button to go to a Review tab.
- From the Review tab, click the Back button to edit the form or the Submit button to enter it. If you hit the Submit button, you will return to the updated Investments tab.
Pay Customers
Click on the Investment tab’s Pay Customer button. This will take you to the Invite Customer data entry screen.
1. Click on the Choose Asset field to reveal a pulldown menu, then select one asset from it. (Note: If an asset is not active, you cannot select it.)
2. Select one or more Customer Names.
3. Click the Back button to return to the Investments tab or the Submit button to go to a Review tab.
4. From the Review tab, click the Back button to edit the form or the Submit button to enter it. If you hit the Submit button, you will return to the updated Investments tab.
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