There are varying statuses that accounts may have at a particular time. In this article you will learn what they mean and how they can affect your client's experience.
There are 3 status types:
- Status
- Onboarding
- Login
Status Type 1: Status
It defines if the account is expecting any activity.
- Inactive
- Active
Inactive accounts are effectively Closed. No actions can be taken with Inactive accounts.
Active accounts are effectively Open, all actions are generally available to this account - depending on any other statuses of the account that may limit actions.
If you suspect there is an error with the Status of an account, please reach out to Customer Support at
Status Type 2: Onboarding
It defines the state of the required documentation to have a client onboard.
- In Process
- Review
- Complete
Accounts start as In Process, when an account is first opend -after the first page of the onboarding form. Accounts in this state are awaiting for the client to submit all the required documentation as well as the client to confirm their email verification.
Accounts in Review, have submitted all required documentation but are pending approval from the Compliance Team at AET and are undergoing AML/KYC. Established accounts can occasionally find themselves in Review again, most typically during the review of an Investments (DOI) if their Id has expired.
Accounts with Complete onboarding, have submitted all documentation and have been approved by Compliance and passed AML/KYC.
If you suspect there is an error with the Onboarding status of an account, please reach out to Customer Support at
Status Type 3: Login
It defines the ability for a client to login into their portal.
- Locked
- Unlocked
Locked accounts will deny login access to the user. The reasons may vary:
- Too many unsuccessful login attempts
- Detected suspicious activity
- Client or Account Manager has requested a lock
Unlocked accounts allow the user to login.
If you suspect there is an error with the Onboarding status of an account, please reach out to Customer Support at
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